How Long After Unprotected Sex Should You Get Tested for STDs?

It is recommended to wait a few weeks or even a month after unprotected sex to get tested for STDs, depending on the type of STD you may have been exposed to. For instance, gonorrhea can take two to six days to show up on a test, while HIV can take up to three months for the antibody test to give a reliable result. If you have symptoms, the STD has passed its incubation period and will test positive. However, beyond this general principle, there are specific periods of time during which you should get tested for each STI.

The correct STI test depends on many factors, including medical history, sexual history, risk of exposure, and previous history of STI testing. If you want to get tested for gonorrhea, also consider getting tested for chlamydia, since these two STDs usually occur together. It can be difficult to understand all this information and decide when to get tested for each STD. It's important to consider these time intervals because if you get tested before it starts, you could get a false-negative STI test result, according to the CDC.

If those tests come back negative, a follow-up test for HIV and syphilis a few months later can give you peace of mind. You can also stay safer if you talk openly with your sexual partners about your STD status and sexual history and get tested regularly. HIV RNA tests have shorter incubation periods than HIV antibody tests because they look in the blood for the presence of the HIV virus itself and not for antibodies to the virus. Window periods can provide useful information when deciding how long you should wait to get tested for STDs. Nick is proud to be able to help eliminate the stigma of STI testing through his writing and always tries to advocate for the importance of sexual health.

That's why it's important to get tested for STDs within a certain amount of time after having unprotected sex, even if you don't have any symptoms of infection.

Elsie Cerroni
Elsie Cerroni

Subtly charming bacon buff. Web practitioner. Freelance social media specialist. Incurable analyst. Friendly music aficionado. Professional twitter evangelist.