What STD Tests Should I Get?

When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), it's important to know what tests to get. Most of the time, STDs have no symptoms, so the only way to know for sure if you have an infection is to get tested. Common tests are used to detect chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, and HIV. Depending on your risk factors, the types of STI tests you need may vary.

If you're not sure what condition you should be tested for, it's best to check with your doctor. If you've had any type of sexual contact that could transmit STDs, such as vaginal, anal or oral sex, it's important to talk to a healthcare provider about getting tested. Sexually transmitted diseases are common, and it's very important to get tested if you've had unprotected sexual contact or if you discover that your partner has an STI. Fortunately, there are now home STD kits available that make testing easier and more convenient.

For example, Everlywell's home STD kit for women lets you test for six of the most common STDs with just a finger prick and a vaginal sample. No matter what type of test you choose, it's important to get tested regularly if you're sexually active. This will help ensure that any infections are detected and treated as soon as possible.

Elsie Cerroni
Elsie Cerroni

Subtly charming bacon buff. Web practitioner. Freelance social media specialist. Incurable analyst. Friendly music aficionado. Professional twitter evangelist.