What is the Best Test for Herpes?

If you suspect that you have genital herpes, which is mainly caused by HSV, you can get an antibody test. An HSV test is usually done as a swab test, blood test, or lumbar puncture. The type of test you get will depend on your symptoms and health history. Generally, STI testing isn't part of your regular gynecological checkup or exam, but you should request it.

The PCR test looks for fragments of the virus's DNA in a sample taken from cells or fluids from a genital or urinary tract sore. This is a commonly used test for diagnosing genital herpes and is very accurate. Genital herpes is usually diagnosed through an exam by a medical professional and a blood test. So, if you're wondering: “How do you get tested for herpes?”, you can get tested for genital herpes to help determine if you are infected.

It is important to note that there is no single test that can definitively diagnose herpes. Your doctor may recommend a combination of tests to make an accurate diagnosis. Your doctor may also recommend other tests to rule out other conditions that may be causing your symptoms. These tests may include urine tests, blood tests, and imaging tests such as an ultrasound or CT scan.

It is important to talk to your doctor about the best testing option for you. Your doctor will be able to provide more information about the different types of tests available and which one is best for your situation.

Elsie Cerroni
Elsie Cerroni

Subtly charming bacon buff. Web practitioner. Freelance social media specialist. Incurable analyst. Friendly music aficionado. Professional twitter evangelist.